The Scourge of the Pandemic

The Scourge of the Pandemic

It goes without saying that every living soul on the planet is now aware of the raging pandemic of the Corona virus. Many of us were yet to be born before a disease of such stellar and astronomical proportions was ever witnessed. This disease in just a few months has made child’s play of greatly feared diseases such as HIV/Aids, Ebola and the list goes on. It has people shaken to the core. Parents have locked their children in their houses, businesses have closed down and we have had to contend with distant greetings from even people we love and have known all our lives. Cultures have been revised and things are just not the same any more. Is it not amazing to live in such times, especially if we are privileged to live through it? Conspiracy theorists and prophets alike (false or otherwise) have had a field day. Family whatsapp groups have been awash with forwarded messages of how to treat and some even cure the disease. Even men of the cloth have not been left behind in their prophecies and even claims to heal the affected. Some have even dared the government to be given chance to perform the miracles. It is no wonder here in Mombasa our sleep was once cut short with claims that the cure or the corona virus had finally been found. That it took the birth of a talking divine new born toddler to deliver the message that the cure was in fact sugarless black tea. Yes, take a moment to sink that in, yes, the cure has always been with us. We had just not been taking it at the right time and of course wrongfully adding sugar to it. How unfortunate!