Electromobility Revolution in Kenya: President Ruto’s Vision for a Greener Future

Electromobility Revolution in Kenya: President Ruto’s Vision for a Greener Future

President William Ruto has been at the forefront of promoting electric mobility in Kenya. His election manifestos featured prominent commitments to electric mobility, utility-scale battery storage, energy efficiency, and green hydrogen. Since taking office, Ruto’s government has reaffirmed Kenya’s dedication to transitioning to 100% clean energy by 2030. One of the most visible initiatives to support electric mobility in Kenya is the promotion of electric motorcycles, especially in the motorcycle taxi industry. Recent finance bills have included measures aimed at accelerating the adoption of electric motorcycles, electric bicycles, and electric buses.

The Swahili Pot Hub Story: Transforming Lives and Fostering Innovation in Coastal Kenya

The Swahili Pot Hub Story: Transforming Lives and Fostering Innovation in Coastal Kenya

Swahili Pot Hub is more than just a tech space; it is a beacon of hope and transformation for the youth of coastal Kenya. Mahmoud Noor’s dedication to community development and technology has created a ripple effect of change, empowering countless young minds to dream big and achieve their goals. As the hub continues to thrive and expand, it serves as a shining example of how innovation and community engagement can create a brighter future for all.

Maersk leading the push towards green fuel technology in maritime transportation

Maersk leading the push towards green fuel technology in maritime transportation

By Ian Kiptoo
Global maritime logistics company Maersk is set to receive the first ever fully ammonia fueled vessel built in South Korea by the Hyundai Dockyard Co. and Hyundai Heavy industries Co.

The news comes days after the Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC 80) met in London to deliver strategies for the shipping industry. Key among the strategies being zero or near zero fuel sources anticipated for implementation in 2030.

In a statement on their website, Maersk reiterated that introduction of the container vessel is a significant step towards

Blue Economy Knowledge Share Fair Exploring Sustainable Development

Blue Economy Knowledge Share Fair Exploring Sustainable Development

By Shirley Wandera
The Blue Economy Knowledge Share Fair, done in collaboration with the African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and the ECOFISH Programme, kicked off yesterday at the SunAfrica Hotel, Nyali, Mombasa.

The event was graced by various dignitaries, including stakeholders in the maritime and fisheries sector, hosted by Mombasa County Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nasir.

Addressing the Cholera Outbreak In Kenya

Addressing the Cholera Outbreak In Kenya

Mariselah Kimbio
Since October last year, Kenya is facing a cholera outbreak that has so far claimed over 120 lives. This is according to figures by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent Societies.

17 counties have reported cases of the disease since the first case was recorded in October 2022. IFRC places the numbers at over 7570 as of the 25th of March this year.

People living in informal settlements are hardest hit by the outbreak. This is due to a lack of proper access to clean toilets, clean water, food, and even adequate housing.

Around 3000 cases were reported in Dadaab re